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Bishop Joel Uwagboe hails originally from Edo State, South of Nigeria, where he obtained his primary, secondary and tertiary education.

Despite the difficult social/economic situation prevalent in this region, Bishop Joel Uwagboe is a strong man of faith believing in the God of the impossibilities regardless of the location. With this ‘contagious’ faith Bishop Joel, with the power of the Holy Spirit established 7 locations in Guyana, one (1) in Jamaica, Queens, New York, and one(1) in Barbados.

Bishop Joel Uwagboe is the founder / Senior Pastor and presiding General Overseer of Freedom Life Ministries Inc. aka ‘The Place of Freedom and Truth,” a non-denominational Pentecostal, Holy Ghost, Guyana /South American anointed church established in February 2003 with an over-reaching mandate of nurturing, educating and developing the spiritual awareness of believers and non- believers worldwide in obedience to the commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.” 

Having graduated in the field of General Agricultural Science in 1988, Bishop Joel Uwagboe took up secular jobs namely as a secondary school teacher, supervisor Leventis Stores, Plant Personnel Officer (Crown Products Limited, Plastic Packaging Company- subsidiaries of Nigerian Bottling Company NBC) but yet something was missing.

Answering the Call
In his quest for “greener pastures,” Bishop Joel Uwagboe migrated to Guyana in February 1998 where he later discovered that where he was coming from was better than where he came to but God was with him. Though born again since the 1980’s Bishop Joel’s current situation in his newfound land of Guyana drew him closer and closer to God in a bid to unravel his destiny.

As a result, in 1999 Bishop Joel Uwagboe completely surrendered and yielded his will to the Lord Almighty and since then there has been no turning back.

Bishop Joel Uwagboe is a prolific, energetic, and dynamic speaker with messages of hope, faith, and
 courage that has helped hundreds of individuals to regain their sense of destiny and worth.

He attended various Bible courses, seminars, conferences, workshops and currently has one of the fastest-growing Ministries in Guyana.

Bishop Joel Uwagboe has a special grace on his life operating in the Five-Fold Ministry with a very strong prophetic healing and deliverance anointing with signs and miracles marking his Ministry.

His weekly live TV program “ Freedom Time ‘ on HBTV -9 and LRTVS -10 which reaches across the length and breadth of Guyana bringing liberty and joy to households under satanic onslaught has made Bishop Joel a household name in Guyana. 

Bishop Joel Uwagboe is currently a member of Ministers Fellowship International (MFI) - Portland Oregon, Vice President of Ministers Fellowship of West Indies (MFWI) –Trinidad and President, Region Five Ministers Fellowship –Guyana. , A Licensed Marriage officer, Justice of Peace & Commissioner of OATHS to affidavits, The Facilitator of FLM ISOM Bible School and Dean of the A.C.T.S Bible School Guyana Campus.

Bishop Joel Uwagboe is a noble, humble, outstanding visionary, beacon, guide, community leader, father, and shepherd and Godly exemplar to his family as well as the hundreds under his Ministry.

He is happily married to Pastor Delight Ogle-Uwagboe who serves alongside him and together has two adorable, exciting, and wonderful children: Jedidiah Osaze and Janna Osariemen. May you be blessed and encouraged as you peruse this website in Jesus' Name.

Freedom Life Ministries

Freedom Life Ministries Inc.

General Overseer, Bishop Joel Uwagboe


© 2018 Freedom Life Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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